FLB Insights

Connecticut Legislators Consider Reductions to Personal Injury Awards Involving Collateral Source Payments
In Connecticut, lawmakers are considering a bill that would reduce economic damages in personal injury and wrongful death awards where a third party has a right of subrogation arising from collateral source payments. Senate Bill 213, which is currently before the Connecticut General Assembly’s Committee on the Judiciary, has widespread support from the defense bar and industry groups, while the plaintiffs’ bar argues it would unfairly impact those harmed by negligent actions.

Robert Rhodes Prevails on Premises Liability Case; Court Cites Plaintiff’s Lack of Evidence
Partner Bob Rhodes prevails in premises liability case on behalf of hospitality client.

Practice Spotlight: Insurance
FLB’s Insurance Practice delivers litigation strategies that minimize client exposure while balancing the needs of claims professionals and risk managers. With a goal of efficient and cost-effective case resolution, our experienced attorneys are committed to using a full complement of tactics to provide the desired outcome.